Time tenshi 2 review
Time tenshi 2 review

time tenshi 2 review

Not unless you want her to go off like a bomb in your face. Berserk Button: Whatever you do, do not call Tessa "cute".Her cute appearance and clothing are very deceiving, as she's a devout tomboy and a skilled fighter in her own right. Whip It Good: Kyo's primary weapon is a feather duster that transforms into a whip.Ī computer specialist and programmer, Tessa is also a keen fitness enthusiast and is frequently found working out in the lab's gym.Something that does not make Tessa happy. No Sense of Personal Space: Kyo enjoys fondling the breasts of the other girls or shoving her own breasts against them or Kenji.The McCoy: The most emotional and idealistic of the trio, and the most likely to Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!.The Medic: Serves this role in the team.Lovable Sex Maniac: The only one on the team who actively enjoys the side-effects of time travel, and she's very flirtatious about it.Leeroy Jenkins: By far the most impulsive member of the team to the point where trusting her to trigger the failsafes at the end of the second game backfires spectacularly and leads to the Bad End.The first two games have her wearing only the lingerie of such an outfit! French Maid Outfit: Kyo's Time Suit is an incredibly revealing version of this trope.Tessa even refers to her by this trope's name. The Ditz: While not stupid, Kyo is definitely more prone to immature antics than the other girls.All There in the Manual: Kyo's full name was revealed by Silver Cow Studio on their Kickstarter page.Almost as much as she likes playing video games and playing pranks on the others. Hailing from Japan, she loves going back in time and fighting the good fight. The medical specialist of the Time Tenshi, Kyo often seems younger than her actual age. The Kirk: Mediates between Kyo's bubbly idealism and Tessa's gruff pragmatism.Heroes Prefer Swords: Fitting, given Rose's role as field commander of the Time Tenshi.Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Has blond hair, and is one of the most vocal proponents for trying to make peace with Chrontek once she finds out what their goal is.Chainmail Bikini: Rose's Time Suit consists of this.All There in the Manual: Rose's full name was revealed by Silver Cow Studio on their Kickstarter page.As a result, Rose's sword is actually quite dull. The weapons the Time Tenshi use are designed to be non-lethal, sending their foes back to their own times rather than causing permanent injury. She's also a highly skilled swordswoman, and can be counted on to keep a level head in most situations. An Englishwoman of considerable intelligence and maturity, Rose is very knowledgeable when it comes to studies of the brain and chemistry. The de facto field commander of the Time Tenshi. The Watson: Serving as an Audience Surrogate, he's the only member of the team without any advanced scientific education.Non-Action Guy: Though he gets involved in missions once it's determined that he can travel through time without side effects, he doesn't do much fighting.Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: When he's finally given his own weapon in Time Tenshi 2, it's a shield.In Time Tenshi 2, Chrontek build their Quantum Guards and enact their plan based on his research. Future Foil: Though he's the Team Normal in the present day, multiple versions of the future indicate that he's likely to become a professor who advances the understanding of time travel and its effects on living tissue by leaps and bounds.But Not Too Foreign: He's half-American on his father's side, half-Japanese on his mother's.This brought him into contact with Tensai's time travel project and the Tenshi. A young man who goes to live with his grandfather, Tensai Shiro, after his parents die tragically in a house fire.

Time tenshi 2 review